My friend Robert kept telling me to check out this secluded strip of the LA River over by where he worked in Culver City.

There was one good spot I did find but I just don’t have the heart or demeanor to evict the homeless living there if you know what I mean. Anytime I got close I’d check the spot during the week and it was always someone’s office hours parking space. I’d spent two years lurking in alleys and peeking around corners trying to find a place to build. The imperfections are a part of its heartbeat. Once it was gone there was a void and it was glaring that there was something about skating that spot that no park could come close to. It was always just me and a few friends trying to push over some rough ground together. I only got to ride it three times before it got scraped off. Recently we had a top shelf little spot in Culver City called Old Star. Tell me about your first project and why you chose to start a DIY skate spot?ĭIY has been with me for some time, hard to grow up in Portland and not have it on your radar. It’s all for the love now, just an excuses to thrust myself deeper into the world of skateboarding.Īlex Olson. I was able to move over into a team manager position in late 2013 with another company ( Addikt Skateboards) basically trying the same thing. I launched a skateboard brand a few years back thinking I was about to be living the dream… Then the reality of an over-saturated market with some big conglomerate types holding the keys set in. I grew up in Portland, Oregon until I was 20 then moved down to Hollywood 22 years ago. What is your background? Where did you grow up?

I was able to speak with the mastermind behind the Bronson madness, Clayton Graul.” Clayton Graul and his crew have recently taken the DIY approach to Bronson Ditch and have added some creativity to its legendary status. But like the Hollywood movies that have emerged over the years, someone decided to do something new and exciting with a location that has been untouched for decades.

Nestled in the Griffith Park area (Hollywood Hills), where hiking trails welcome hundreds of people a day, Bronson Canyon ditch has been the destination for any skater who visits southern California and more specifically, Hollywood.